Data Protection in Angola

Collection and processing in Angola

Generally, entities must obtain prior express consent from data subjects and provide prior notice to the APD to lawfully collect and process personal data. However, data subject consent is not required in certain circumstances provided by law.

To lawfully collect and process sensitive personal data, a legal provision must allow for processing and entities must obtain prior authorization from APD (please note that the authorization may only be granted in specific cases provided by law). If sensitive personal data processing results from a legal provision, APD must be provided with notice.

All data processing must follow these general principles: transparency, legality, good faith, proportionality, truthfulness and respect to private life as well as to legal and constitutional guarantees.

It is also mandatory that data processing is limited to the purpose for which the data is collected and that personal data is not held for longer than is necessary for that purpose.

There are specific rules applicable to the processing of personal data related to the following:

  • Sensitive data on health and sexual life
  • Illicit activities, crimes and administrative offenses
  • Solvency and credit data
  • Video surveillance and other electronic means of control
  • Advertising by email
  • Advertising by electronic means (direct marketing)
  • Call recording

Specific rules for the processing of personal data within the public sector also apply.

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