Data Protection in Benin

Data protection laws in Benin

The data protection regime in Benin is governed by two pieces of legislations namely the Law No. 2017-20 of April 20, 2018 on the digital code amended by law no. 2020-35 of 06 January 2021 and the Law No. 2009-09 of May 22, 2009 Dealing with the Protection of Personally Identifiable Information.

The Law on the digital code deals with the collection, treatment, transmission, storage, and use of personal data by a person, the state, local authorities, and legal persons, as well as automated processing and non-automated processing of personal data contained in files, or any processing of data for public security, defense, research, prosecution of criminal offenses, or the security and essential interests of the state.

By contrast, the Law on the Protection of Personally Identifiable Information relates to the digital processing of personally identifiable information in digital files or manuals, as well as personal identification mechanisms based on nominative, personal, and biometric information processed alongside a national ID number.

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