Data Protection in Bermuda

Enforcement in Bermuda

Once fully in force, PIPA will make provision for investigations and inquiries by the Privacy Commissioner and for a range of remedial orders that may be imposed by the Commissioner. It also provides for a claim for compensation for financial loss or emotional distress for failure to comply with the legislation (subject to a reasonable care defence). In addition, PIPA makes provision for criminal offences and penalties (including imprisonment) for misuse of personal information. In addition, a breach of the common law duty of confidentiality may give rise to a claim for, among other things, damages and/or an injunction.  These remedies are to be sought through, and enforced by, the Bermuda courts.

An individual convicted of an offence under PIPA will be liable to a fine of up to BMD 25,000 and/or to imprisonment for up to two years. An organisation convicted of an offence under PIPA will be liable to a fine of up to BMD 250,000. Proceedings can be brought against company directors and other officers in a personal capacity.

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