Data Protection in Chile

National data protection authority in Chile

In Chile, there is no specific authority dedicated to overseeing matters related to data protection concerning processing activities performed by private persons or entities exists. Law 20,285/2008 on access to public information provides that the Transparency Council (Consejo para la Transparencia, the control body that ensures compliance with the aforementioned law which provides the rights to transparency and access to information of the state administration), shall ensure proper compliance with the data protection law by the organs of the state administration; however, the Transparency Council does not have powers to impose fines.

Since December 24, 2021, due to a provision in the newly adopted so-called Pro-Consumer Law (Law 21,398/2021), the consumer protection agency SERNAC has the competency to monitor compliance with the provisions of the data protection law in consumer matters. The SERNAC cannot impose fines but may initiate and participate in judicial proceedings and collective voluntary proceedings. This is the first time that private controllers’ processing of (consumer) personal data has been subject to regulatory control.

A special data protection authority is to be created by the above-mentioned legislative project (Bill that regulates the protection and processing of personal data and creates the Agency for the Protection of Personal Data (Bulletin 11,144-07, consolidated with Bulletin 11,092-07). However, as noted, there is no clear timeline for when to expect this bill to pass.

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