Data Protection in Malaysia

Breach notification in Malaysia

Currently, there is no requirement under the PDPA for data users / data controllers to notify authorities regarding data breaches in Malaysia. Previously there was a voluntary data breach notification option available on the PDP Department’s website, but the option appears to be no longer available.

However, the Amending Act has introduced a new Section 12B and imposed a mandatory personal data breach notification obligation on data users / data controllers. Under this new provision, a data user / data controller shall notify the Commissioner as soon as possible if he has reason to believe that a personal data breach has occurred. If the personal data breach causes or is likely to cause any significant harm to the data subject, the data user / data controller shall also notify the data subject of such data breach without unnecessary delay. These amendments will come into operation on June 01, 2025.

On August 19, 2024, the Commissioner issued the Public Consultation Paper No. 01/2024: The Implementation of Data Breach Notification (“PCP No. 01/2024”), aiming to gather public views regarding aspects that should be addressed in the proposed Personal Data Protection (Personal Data Breach Notification) Regulations and Guidelines.

The PCP No. 01/2024 proposes that the mandatory data breach notification to the Commissioner under Section 12B be limited to only instances where the personal data breach is likely to cause or has caused “significant harm” and / or where the personal data breach is likely to be or is of a “significant scale”. The manner and form, timeframe and applicable exemptions for data breach notification has also been addressed. Last but not least, although there is no direct obligation on data processor to notify the Commissioner or the affected data subject under the new Section 12B, the PCP No. 01/2024 proposes that the data users / data controllers shall be required to contractually impose an obligation on their data processors to promptly notify them about the data breach.

The Personal Data Breach Notification Guidelines are expected to be issued by early 2025.

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