Data Protection in Malaysia

Registration in Malaysia

Currently, the PDPA requires the following classes of data users to register under the PDPA:


  • A licensee under the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998
  • A licensee under the Postal Services Act 2012

Banking and financial institutions

  • A licensed bank and licensed investment bank under the Financial Services Act 2013
  • A licensed Islamic bank and licensed international Islamic bank under the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013
  • A development financial institution under the Development Financial Institution Act 2002


  • A licensed insurer under the Financial Services Act 2013
  • A licensed takaful operator under the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013
  • A licensed international takaful operator under the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013


  • A licensee under the Private Healthcare Facilities and Services Act 1998
  • A holder of the certificate of registration of a private medical clinic or a private dental clinic under the Private Healthcare Facilities and Services Act 1998
  • A body corporate registered under the Registration of Pharmacists Act 1951

Tourism and hospitalities

  • A licensed person who carries on or operates a tourism training institution, licensed tour operator, licensed travel agent or licensed tourist guide under the Tourism Industry Act 1992
  • A person who carries on or operates a registered tourist accommodation premises under the Tourism Industry Act 1992


  • Certain named transportations services providers


  • A private higher educational institution registered under the Private Higher Educational Institutions Act 1996
  • A private school or private educational institution registered under the Education Act 1996

Direct selling

  • A licensee under the Direct Sales and Anti-Pyramid Scheme Act 1993


  • A company registered under the Companies Act 1965 or a person who entered into partnership under the Partnership Act 1961 carrying on business as follows:
      • legal
      • audit
      • accountancy
      • engineering
      •  architecture
  • A company registered under the Companies Act 1965 or a person who entered into partnership under the Partnership Act 1961, who conducts retail dealing and wholesale dealing as defined under the Control Supplies Act 1961
  • A company registered under the Companies Act 1965 or a person who entered into partnership under the Partnership Act 1961, who carries on the business of a private employment agency under the Private Employment Agencies Act 1981

Real estate

  • A licensed housing developer under the Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Act 1966
  • A licensed housing developer under the Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Enactment 1978, Sabah
  • A licensed housing developer under the Housing Developers (Control and Licensing) Ordinance 1993, Sarawak


  • Certain named utilities services providers


  • A licensee under the Pawnbrokers Act 1972


  • A licensee under the Moneylenders Act 1951

Certificates of registration are valid for at least one year, after which data users must renew registrations and may not continue to process personal data.

Data users are also required to display their certificate of registration at a conspicuous place at their principal place of business, and a copy of the certificate at each branch, where applicable.

The Commissioner may designate a body or a data controller as a data user forum for a class of data users. Data user forums can prepare codes of practice to govern compliance with the PDPA, which can be registered with the Commissioner. Once registered, all data users / data controllers must comply with the provisions of the code, and non-compliance violates the PDPA. As of January 02, 2025, the Commissioner has published several codes of practice, including for the banking and financial sector, the aviation sector, the utilities sector, communications sector, the healthcare sector, and the insurance and takaful industry in Malaysia. There is also a general code of practice which applies to classes of data users / data controllers required to be registered as data users / data controllers under the PDPA who are currently not subject to any codes of practice registered by the Commissioner.

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