Data Protection in the Netherlands

Electronic marketing in the Netherlands

EU regulation

The GDPR applies to most electronic marketing activities, as these will involve some use of personal data (e.g. an email address which includes the recipient's name). The most plausible legal bases for electronic marketing will be consent, or the legitimate interests of the controller (which is expressly referenced as an appropriate basis by Recital 47). Where consent is relied upon, the strict standards for consent under the GDPR are to be noted.

Data subjects have an unconditional right to object to (and therefore prevent) any form of direct marketing (including electronic marketing) at any time (Article 21(3)).

Netherlands regulatino

Electronic marketing is partially regulated in Article 11.7 of the Dutch Telecommunications Act (Tw). The first paragraph of Article 11.7 of the Tw is the rules for telemarketing that does not involve human intervention. These so-called automatic systems for transmitting commercial, idealistic or charitable communications may only be used if the consumer has given his prior consent. As of 1 July 2021, the Dutch Telecommunications Act changed. As a main rule, also for telemarketing with human intervention, the opt-in system will be used.

New legislation

The ePrivacy Regulation is a proposed regulation governing the use of electronic communication services within the European Union and is intended to replace the Directive on privacy and electronic communications (Directive 2002/58/EC). In addition to the GDPR, the ePrivacy Regulation represents a core element of EU-level data protection. On 10 February 2021, the Council of the European Union ('the Council') published a new legislative proposal, thereby launching negotiations between the Council, the European Parliament and the European Commission.

In the meantime, GDPR Article 94 makes it clear that references to the repealed Directive 95/46/EC will be replaced with references to the GDPR. As such, references to the Directive 95/46/EC standard for consent in the ePrivacy Directive will be replaced with the GDPR standard for consent.

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