Data Protection in New Zealand

Definitions in New Zealand

Definition of personal data

Personal information under the Act is defined as information about an identifiable individual and includes information relating to a death that is maintained by the Registrar General pursuant to the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Act 1995, or any former Act.

Definition of sensitive personal data

The Act does not include a concept of 'sensitive personal data', and there is no differentiation between how different types of personal information are to be treated under the Act. However, the Privacy Commissioner has issued (non–binding) guidance defining sensitive personal information as information about the individual that has some real significance to them, is revealing of them, or generally relates to matters that an individual might wish to keep private. This can be contrasted with routine or mundane information that is about a person but is either not particularly revealing or does not reveal information that is very intimate or “private”. The Privacy Commissioner has indicated that information about a person’s race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation, sex life, health, disability, age, religious, cultural or political beliefs, activities or memberships will generally be considered sensitive in nature.

Because the Act does not include a concept of sensitive personal data, there are no specific statutory obligations attracting to more sensitive information. However, the Privacy Commissioner's guidance states that agencies have a higher standard of care when they collect or hold sensitive information. While the Act does not specify special procedures for information that is sensitive, the obligations on agencies are stronger with respect to sensitive information and they will be held to a higher standard of accountability. For example, IPP 5 requires agencies to protect personal information with security safeguards that are reasonable in the circumstances — there will be a higher bar for what is considered reasonable if the information to be protected is sensitive in nature.

Additionally, the codes of practice issued by the Privacy Commissioner may modify the operation of the Act for specific industries, agencies, activities and types of personnel information. The Privacy Commissioner is currently considering introducing a new code to regulate biometric information, which the Privacy Commissioner considers to be particularly sensitive information and requires careful assessment before use.

Definition of agency

Agency is defined under the Act as any person or body of persons, whether corporate or unincorporated, and whether in the public sector (including government departments) or the private sector. Certain bodies are specifically excluded from the definition.

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