Data Protection in New Zealand

Electronic marketing in New Zealand

The Act does not differentiate between the collection of and use of any personal information for electronic marketing or other forms of direct marketing.

The Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007:

  • prohibits unsolicited commercial electronic messages (this include email, fax, instant messaging and text messages of a commercial nature – but do not cover Internet pop-ups or voice telemarketing) with a New Zealand link (messages sent to, from or within New Zealand);
  • requires consent (which can be express, reasonably inferred, or deemed) from the recipient prior to sending commercial electronic messages;
  • requires commercial electronic messages to include accurate information about who authorised the message to be sent;
  • requires a functional unsubscribe facility to be included so that the recipient can instruct the sender not to send the recipient further messages; and
  • prohibits using address-harvesting software to create address lists for sending unsolicited commercial electronic messages.

The Marketing Association of New Zealand has a code of practice for direct marketing which governs compliance by members of the principles of the code. The code establishes a ‘Do Not Call’ register to which anyone not wanting to receive any direct marketing can register.

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