Data Protection in Turkey

Online privacy in Turkey

There is no legislation in Turkey that specifically regulates privacy in respect of cookies and location data. However, Law No. 5651 on Regulating Broadcasting in the Internet and Fighting against Crimes Committed through Internet Broadcasting enables Internet users to initiate prosecution in case of infringements of their personal rights. Further, various amendments were made to the Law No. 5651 on July 31, 2020. One of these amendments was adding the term “social network provider” and the obligations of the social network providers have been regulated within this scope.

Social network provider is defined as:

"A natural or legal person who enables users to create, view, or share texts, images, voice, location, or other types of data for the purpose of social interaction."

The amendment requires foreign social network providers (companies that are not established in Turkey) which have daily access of 1.000.000 or more from Turkey to appoint a representative in Turkey. Also, the foreign social network providers must keep Turkish users’ (users from Turkey) personal data in Turkey within the scope of the Internet Law.

Failure to meet these requirements may result in administrative fines, limitation of bandwidth, and restriction of commercial activities (online marketing) of the social network provider. Moreover, with the recent amendments made in the Internet Law, social network providers may face an administrative fine up to 3% of their global turnover in cases of non-compliance.

Under the Regulation on Protection of Personal Data in the Electronic Communications Sector and Preservation of Privacy, an Operator cannot process traffic data for purposes other than those required for the purposes of their service. Traffic data shall be processed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation for the purposes of traffic management, interconnection, billing, corruption detection and similar transactions or settlement of disputes. The processed and stored traffic data belonging to the subscriber / user shall be deleted or made anonymous after the completion of the required activity to process and store these data.

Traffic data may be processed if required for marketing electronic communication services or providing value added electronic communication services, provided that either it is anonymized, or relevant subscribers / users give their consent after being informed of the traffic data to be processed and the processing time.

Location data not qualifying as traffic data may be processed if required to provide value added electronic communication services, on the condition that it is anonymized or the relevant subscribers / users give their consent after being informed of the location data to be processed and of the purpose and duration of the processing.

Administrative fines of up to three percent of the net sales of the Operator in the previous calendar year shall be imposed if it fails to fulfill its obligation to process traffic data and location data.

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