Data Protection in Ukraine

Security in Ukraine

The data owners and processors must take appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of personal data against unlawful processing, including against loss, unlawful or accidental elimination, and also against unauthorized access. In this regard, owners and processors processing personal data which is of particular risk to the rights and freedoms of personal data subjects shall determine a special department or a responsible person to organize the work related to the protection of personal data during the processing thereof (other owners and processors may either establish a department or appoint a responsible person on a voluntary basis).

The Model Procedure stipulates that the owners and processors of personal data shall take measures to maintain the security of personal data in all stages of their processing, including organizational and technical measures for the protection of personal data. Organizational measures shall include:

  • Determination of a procedure of access to personal data by employees of the owner / processor of personal data;
  • Determination of the order of the recording of operations related to the processing of personal data o and access to them;
  • Elaboration of an action plan in case of unauthorized access to personal data, damage of technical equipment or occurrence of emergency situations; and
  • Regular trainings of employees working with personal data.

Personal data, irrespective of the manner of its storage, shall be processed in the way which makes unauthorized access to the data by third persons impossible.

With the purpose of maintenance of security of personal data, technical security measures shall be taken which would exclude the possibility of unauthorized access to personal data being processed and ensure the proper work of technical and program complex through which the processing of personal data is performed.

Additionally, the Data Protection Law requires establishing a structural unit or appointing a responsible person within the personal data owners / processors processing the personal data which is of particular risk to the rights and freedoms of personal data subjects. Such structural unit or responsible person shall organize the work related to protection of personal data during the processing thereof.

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