Data Protection in Uzbekistan

Data protection laws in Uzbekistan

The main legal act governing processing and protection of personal data in Uzbekistan is the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. ZRU-547 "On Personal Data" ("Law on Personal Data"), adopted on 2 July 2019 and effective from 1 October 2019.

The scope of application of the Law on Personal Data is rather broad, as it applies to relations arising from processing and protection of personal data, regardless of the applied means of processing, including information technologies.

Apart from the Law on Personal Data, there are certain legal acts that establish fundamental principles of data protection processing and / or set liability for violation of data protection rules. They include:

  • Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan (in the new edition), effective from 1 May 2023;
  • Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, effective from1 March 1997;
  • Labour Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan (in the new edition), effective from 30 April 2023;
  • Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Administrative Liability, effective from 1 April 1995 (‘Code on Administrative Liability’);
  • Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, effective from 1 April 1995 (‘Criminal Code’);
  • Law No. 439-II 'On Principles and Guarantees of Freedom of Information' dated December 12, 2002; and
  • Law No. 560-II 'On Informatization' dated December 11, 2003.

Lastly, there are also sector-specific laws applicable depending on the type of industry. Data protection regulation exists mainly in financial, telecommunication, health and insurance sectors and consists of the following legal acts:

  • Law No. 530-II 'On Bank Secrecy' dated August 30, 2003, under which a bank is prohibited to disclose bank secrecy, and should guarantee its protection;
  • Law No. 265-I 'On Protection of Citizens’ Health' dated August 29, 1996, under which the medical secrecy is protected;
  • Law No. ZRU-730 'On Insurance Activities' (in the new edition) dated November 23, 2021, under which insurance companies should guarantee the confidentiality of information which became available in course of provision of insurance services; and
  • Law No. ZRU-1015 'On Telecommunications' dated December 28, 2024, under which all operators and service providers are obliged to ensure the secrecy of communications.

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