Data Protection in Uzbekistan

Security in Uzbekistan

The Law on Personal Data states that personal data is subject to the protection guaranteed by the State. It also imposes obligations on the owner / operator of personal data and the third party acquiring personal data to take necessary legal, organizational and technical measures ensuring:

  • non-interference into the subject's private life;
  • integrity and safety of personal data;
  • confidentiality of personal data;
  • prevention of illegal processing of personal data.

Obligations of the owner / operator of personal data on protection of confidentiality of personal data arise from the moment such data is collected until their destruction or depersonalization.

The owner / operator of personal data shall take organizational and technical measures to protect personal data based on the potential threats to their security.

Threats to the security of personal data are defined as a combination of conditions and factors that may lead to their alteration, addition, use, provision, transfer, dissemination, depersonalization, destruction, and copying as a result of unauthorized, including accidental access to the personal database.

In addition, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 570 "On Approval of Certain Normative Legal Documents in the Field of Processing of Personal Data" dated 5 October 2022  establishes the following regulations, effective from  January 7, 2023:

  • the Regulation on determining the levels of protection of personal data during their processing;
  • the Regulation on the requirements for material carriers of biometric and genetic data and storing technologies of such data outside personal databases.

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