Data Protection in Uzbekistan

Transfer in Uzbekistan

The Law on Personal Data defines the cross-border transfer of personal data as the transfer of personal data by the owner / operator outside the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Cross-border transfer of personal data is allowed only to the territory of foreign states providing adequate protection of the rights of personal data subjects. At present, it is unclear which states will qualify as providing “adequate” protection, as no list of such countries has been adopted yet by the regulatory authorities.

Nevertheless, cross-border transfer of personal data is still possible even if the foreign state does not provide the adequate protection. Such transfer is possible in 3 exceptional cases:

  • the subject explicitly agrees to such transfer;
  • there is a need to protect the constitutional order of Uzbekistan, the public order, rights and freedoms of citizens, health and morality of the population;
  • if such transfer is stipulated by the international treaty of Uzbekistan.

The Law on Personal Data also determines that cross-border transfer of personal data may be prohibited or restricted in order to protect the constitutional order of the Republic of Uzbekistan, morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of citizens, and to secure defense of the country and national security.

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