Data Protection in Brazil

National data protection authority in Brazil

The LGPD established the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD). On October 25, 2022, Law 14,460/2022 was published, altering ANPD’s role into a special and independent autarchic regime with administrative and budgetary autonomy as opposed to linking the ANPD to the Presidency of the Republic. The   ANPD is also given technical and decision-making autonomy with jurisdiction over the Brazilian territory. In addition, the ANPD will have its own appointed public attorneys, which enables the National Authority to independently take judicial measures that it deems appropriate.

The ANPD is now in operation and it is headquartered in the Federal District. Its structuring process started on August 27, 2020, with the publication of Decree No. 10,474/2020, which approved and regulated the regulatory structure of the ANPD, and its board of commissioned positions and nominated trust functions. On November 6, 2020, this Decree entered into force with the appointment of the Director-President and the members of the Board of Directors of the ANPD, after having been approved by the plenary of the Federal Senate. On March 9, 2021, the ANPD’s Internal Regulations were published, establishing the competencies and organization of the National Authority.

The ANPD is composed of:

  • A Board of Directors
  • A national council for Personal Data and Privacy Protection (Council)
  • Bodies of direct and immediate assistance to the Board of Directors (General Secretariat, General Coordination of Administration, General Coordination of Institutional and International Relations)
  • An Internal Affairs Office (inspection body)
  • An ombudsman
  • The Prosecution
  • Its own legal advisory body, and
  • Administrative and specialized units for the enforcement of the LGPD (ie, General Coordination of Standardization; General Coordination of Supervision; and General Coordination of Technology and Research)

The ANPD has the authority to issue sanctions for violations of the LGPD. This sanctions authority came into force on August 1, 2021. On October 29, 2021, the ANPD issued Regulation CD/ANPD 01/2021 for the Regulation of the Inspection Process and the Sanctioning Administrative Process, establishing the procedures regarding the supervision and enforcement of the LGPD. However, the Regulation is still pending further instructions relating to the parameters of calculation of such penalties, which are expected to be regulated by the end of 2023.

In August 2021, the President of the Republic appointed representatives of the National Council for Personal Data and Privacy Protection (Council). The Council contributes to the performance of the ANPD and has the authority to, among other things:

  • Oversee the protection of personal data
  • Issue regulations and procedures related to personal data protection
  • Deliberate, at an administrative level, upon the interpretation of the LGPD and matters omitted in its redaction
  • Supervise and apply sanctions in the event of data processing performed in violation of the legislation
  • Implement simplified mechanisms for recording complaints about the processing of personal data in violation of the LGPD

In addition, the ANPD Council is responsible for, among other functions:

  • Proposing strategic guidelines and allowance for the creation of the National Policy for the Protection of Personal Data and the operation of ANPD
  • Suggesting actions to be carried out by the ANPD
  • Preparing studies and conducting public debates and hearings about the protection of personal data

Since the ANPD started its operations, several actions have already been implemented to protect personal data, including:

  • Determining the procedures regarding the inspection and application of administrative sanctions
  • Providing specific regulation regarding small-sized data processing agents
  • Publishing guidelines regarding cookie policy and banner
  • Opening public consultation regarding international transfers
  • Publishing guidance on reporting a security incident with personal data and its assessment to the ANPD
  • Explaining availability of a claim by the data subject against controller
  • Providing educational materials on data protection, such as (1) guidelines for defining personal data processing agents and the DPO, (2) how consumers should protect their personal data, and (3) information security for small processing agents.

However, there are still several provisions of the LGPD requiring further regulation and interpretation by the ANPD, which stakeholders should monitor for future compliance.

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