Data Protection in India

Data protection laws in India

Until 2023, India did not have a standalone law or framework to govern data protection. The Information Technology Act, 2000 (IT Act) and rules notified thereunder formed the basis around which the data protection framework revolved. This included the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011 (Privacy Rules).

In 2017, a constitutional bench of nine judges of the Supreme Court of India in Justice K. S. Puttaswamy (Retd.) v. Union of India [Writ Petition No. 494/ 2012] upheld that privacy is a fundamental right, which is entrenched in Article 21 [Right to Life & Liberty] of the Constitution of India. This led to the process of formulation of a comprehensive data protection framework for India. After releasing different draft versions of a data protection legislation and considering the recommendations from different stakeholders, the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India, released the draft of the Digital Personal Data Protection Bill in 2022 (DPDP Bill).

The version of the DPDP Bill which was eventually passed by both houses of the Indian Parliament marked a few significant changes to the original draft of the DPDP Bill. On August 11, 2023, the Government of India published that version as the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 (DPDP Act), which will form the personal data protection and regulatory regime in India. The DPDP Act introduces several compliances with respect to the collection, processing, storage and transfer of digital personal data. However, further actions on behalf of the Government are required to make the DPDP Act effective, including notifying the sections of the DPDP Act itself, repealing the Privacy Rules and notifying the rules and regulations required for effective implementation and enforcement of the DPDP Act. The DPDP Act is applicable only to personal data in digital form and does not regulate non-personal and non-digital data. Considering this, collection and handling of non-personal data is currently unregulated in India.

To clarify, the current privacy regime is contained within the IT Act and the Privacy Rules. While the Government of India (see below) has released a draft of the rules under the DPDP Act, the provisions of the Act itself have not yet come into force. 


On January 3, 2025, MeitY released a draft of the Digital Personal Data Protection Rules, 2025 (Draft Rules), inviting comments from the public and stakeholders till February 18, 2025. The feedback received by the government will be taken into consideration after this date. 

Rules related to the establishment and functioning of the Data Protection Board of India are likely to come into effect immediately upon the publication of the rules in the Official Gazette (after the DPDP Act is implemented). For the remaining rules, an extended period may be provided for entities to comply with after which these rules will come into effect. The timeline has not been specified in the Draft Rules. 


The DPDP Act has been drafted on the following principles:

  • usage of personal data by an organization is to be done in a manner that is lawful, fair and transparent to the individuals concerned;
  • usage of personal data is to be limited to the purpose for which it was collected;
  • only those items of personal data that are required for attaining a specific purpose are to be collected;
  • reasonable efforts should be made to ensure that the personal data of the individual is accurate and kept up to date;
  • storage of data is required to be limited to such duration as is necessary for the stated purpose for which personal data was collected;
  • reasonable safeguards are to be undertaken to ensure that there is no unauthorised collection or processing of personal data. This is intended to prevent personal data breach; and
  • the person who decides the purpose and means of processing of personal data i.e. Data Fiduciary is accountable for such processing.

Scope and Applicability

The DPDP Act pertains to the processing of digital personal data within India, encompassing situations where the personal data is either (i) collected in a digital form or (ii) collected in a non-digitized form and subsequently converted into digital form. Consequently, the DPDP Act does not apply to the processing of personal data in its non-digitized state. The DPDP Act defines ‘personal data’ broadly to include any data about an individual who is identifiable by or in relation to such data. It also  defines ‘digital personal data’ as personal data in digital form.

While the DPDP Act is applicable to Indian entities which engage in the processing of personal data, it also has extra-territorial applicability, applying to foreign entities who offer goods and services to Data Principals (as defined below) located within the territory of India and process personal data in connection to such activities. The DPDP Act does not apply to (i) personal data utilized by an individual for personal or domestic purposes or (ii) personal data deliberately made publicly accessible by either the Data Principal to whom the personal data relates or any other individual or entity mandated by law to disclose personal data to the public.

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